Jazel’s Problem-Solving Series #4: Cross-Device Confusion

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Buying a car, particularly when there are a lot of other options, is a little bit like dating  – if the chemistry doesn’t feel right from the beginning, it’s probably not going to work out. But that can happen without you even seeing, much less speaking to, a potential customer.  In this installment of our […]

Jazel’s Problem-Solving Series #3: Bungled Browse-ability

Dealers have a lot of challenges. So far in our Dealership Problem Solving Series, we’ve covered Irrelevant Online Offers and Search Bar Frustration, and this week, we’ll delve into one of the biggest issues in web design (regardless of industry) problems with “browse-ability.”   Dealership Website Problem #3: Bungled Browse-ability Here’s the thing – as […]

Jazel’s Problem-Solving Series #2: Irrelevant Online Offers

Welcome back to Jazel’s Problem-Solving blog series! In our second post, we’re looking at the all-too-common problem of irrelevant dealership offers.  Naturally, your site is one of the top places for showcasing your dealership’s upcoming sales or seasonal discounts, as well as OEM offers and incentive programs. But if you’re not showing offers that shoppers […]

Jazel’s Problem-Solving Series #1: Search Bar Frustration

What’s worse than going on your own dealership site and feeling like it isn’t up to snuff? Getting that feeling, but not knowing what the problem is or how to fix it.  There can be many reasons for lackluster website performance, but the root cause is often the same: the site isn’t living up to […]

Speed Up Your Website for a Better Customer Experience

Did you know that a ONE second delay in site speed has the potential to yield the following results?  11% fewer page views 16% decrease in customer satisfaction 7% loss in conversions (https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/speed-up-your-website/) So many things can potentially slow down your dealership site. Images that aren’t optimized, files that are too large, an excessive amount […]

Here’s How Google PageSpeed Matters For Your Dealership Website

You probably already know website speed is important. In fact, that phrase has probably been repeated so many times it’s all but lost its meaning.   Still, page load time is important. To you, your shoppers, and Google. That’s one of the reasons Google provides PageSpeed Tools, which, like most tools Google creates, has become […]

Are You Measuring Your Dealership’s Success With the Right KPIs?

Dealerships and measurement don’t always go hand in hand. After all, dealers have better things to do than come up with ways to figure out how well they’re doing. Like sell cars. Still, this can mean that inefficiencies are quite hard to catch and disappointingly easy to repeat. So today, we’re tackling Key Performance Indicators […]

6 Awesome Tips for Optimizing Your Dealership Website

A lackluster dealership website is a major drag. We don’t know of any dealership that’s content to miss out on sales (particularly when they know they could be winning those sales) — but that’s exactly what happens when a site doesn’t meet their shoppers’ needs. As devoted congregants in the church of customer experience, we’re […]

The Leading Tools Revolutionizing Dealership Websites

The automotive world is reshaping itself around a new power that is driving sales: online customer experience. But rallying around a general concept is one thing, and actually applying it are two different things. Revolutionizing your dealership’s online customer experience can be a daunting task. That’s why, in this article, we’ve laid the delicious details […]

Find Out What These 4 Mobile Behaviors Mean for Dealership Marketing

Car dealerships are generally lagging on mobile. Recent research from Google found that the automotive, retail, and tech sectors had the longest-loading mobile pages. These categories also had some of the most bloated pages on the internet.* That’s the bad news. The good news is everything else. We’ll go over the specifics of car shopper […]